EPIFANÍA MATEO 2, 1-12 Jesús nació en Belén de Judá en tiempos del rey Herodes. Entonces, unos Magos de Oriente se presentaron en Jerusalén preguntando: «¿Dónde está el rey de los judíos que ha nacido? Porque hemos visto salir su estrella y venimos a adorarlo». Al enterarse el rey Herodes, se sobresaltó, y todo Jerusalén […]Leer más
Por Avenabet Mercado / Al Día Panamá Un buen caricaturista no necesita tantas palabras para destacar que desea decir, por algunas razones hoy muchos amantes de este género se interesan ver y escuchar al artista de la plumilla Fernando Peña Moran como lo hace para llevar sus mensajes de los hechos que son noticias en […]Leer más
California / Agencias Autoridades de la policía de Californía cofirmaron que hallaron el cuerpo de la actriz Naya Rivera, que estaba desaparecida desde el miércoles al salir a dar un paseo en bote con su hijo Josey, de 4 años. Los efectivos a cargo de la búsqueda de la actriz, desaparecida el pasado 8 de […]Leer más
Charles Michel trata de arañar concesiones de ambos bandos de la negación y presentar una nueva propuesta que acerque a un posible acuerdo durante el día de hoy. El Gobierno de España dice «seguir trabajando para que el recorte para la agricultura sea cero». Por IVO alho cabral @IvoAlhoCabral Desde las once de la mañana, […]Leer más
Struggling to sell one multi-million dollar home currently on the market won’t stop actress and singer Jennifer Lopez from expanding her property collection. Lopez has reportedly added to her real estate holdings an eight-plus acre estate in Bel-Air anchored by a multi-level mansion. The property, complete with a 30-seat screening room, a 100-seat amphitheater and […]Leer más
Struggling to sell one multi-million dollar home currently on the market won’t stop actress and singer Jennifer Lopez from expanding her property collection. Lopez has reportedly added to her real estate holdings an eight-plus acre estate in Bel-Air anchored by a multi-level mansion. The property, complete with a 30-seat screening room, a 100-seat amphitheater and […]Leer más
Struggling to sell one multi-million dollar home currently on the market won’t stop actress and singer Jennifer Lopez from expanding her property collection. Lopez has reportedly added to her real estate holdings an eight-plus acre estate in Bel-Air anchored by a multi-level mansion. The property, complete with a 30-seat screening room, a 100-seat amphitheater and […]Leer más
Struggling to sell one multi-million dollar home currently on the market won’t stop actress and singer Jennifer Lopez from expanding her property collection. Lopez has reportedly added to her real estate holdings an eight-plus acre estate in Bel-Air anchored by a multi-level mansion. The property, complete with a 30-seat screening room, a 100-seat amphitheater and […]Leer más
Struggling to sell one multi-million dollar home currently on the market won’t stop actress and singer Jennifer Lopez from expanding her property collection. Lopez has reportedly added to her real estate holdings an eight-plus acre estate in Bel-Air anchored by a multi-level mansion. The property, complete with a 30-seat screening room, a 100-seat amphitheater and […]Leer más
Struggling to sell one multi-million dollar home currently on the market won’t stop actress and singer Jennifer Lopez from expanding her property collection. Lopez has reportedly added to her real estate holdings an eight-plus acre estate in Bel-Air anchored by a multi-level mansion. The property, complete with a 30-seat screening room, a 100-seat amphitheater and […]Leer más